Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Nerd's Paradise: Part I

I had SO MUCH FUN today. My roommate Linda and I went to the Renaissance fair at Thanksgiving Point. There was so much to do and see. We planned on staying for maybe two hours, but ended up staying for five! I really think I was just dragging her along the last three hours or so, but I was having so much fun, I could have stayed for another couple of hours. That's kind of a compromise, right? There are a LOT of pictures, and I hope you guys see how cool it was there.

When Linda and I first got to Thanksgiving Point, we had no idea where to go. There were a lot of people milling around a bunch of booths, so we headed over that way to see what was there. This is what we saw:


 Vegetables. Tables and crates of mutant giant vegetables. Oh, and enough pumpkin pie to last for at least 5 Thanksgivings.

All kind of interesting, in a carnie sort of a way. By the way, I truly believe that if you can get your pumpkins to grow to that size, there is only one acceptable thing to do with them:

 The only thing that makes it better is to give it power.

There were shops and tents set up, of course, with silly homemade things, like pillowcases that don't match anything, and those wraps that you're supposed to wear on your abdomen that supposedly make you lose belly fat and really all they do is make you sweat and tug at your outfit all day. What there was definitely a lack of was anything related to anything older than 3 months ago. No maypole, no wandering minstrels. So Linda and I kept looking.

Eventually we wandered into the gardens, which are always worth a look. (A willing model is always fun, too.)

By then we had the sense to admit that we had no idea where to go, so we found the information booth, where we learned that we had been going the right way, we just hadn't gone far enough. (I blame the weird group of people all dressed up in business attire. They scared me off.)

When we saw a lady in the parking lot in a puffy, velvety, dark purple cloak, we knew we had either found the Renaissance fair, or Voldemort had just unsuccessfully tried to kill Harry Potter, and the wizarding world was too busy celebrating to worry about their wardrobe.

I'm so excited to tell you about what happened as soon as we got inside. But, it'll have to wait until Part II!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, Erin. I saw someone dressed up in a renaissance dress yesterday, and wondered why. Now I know. Looking forward to part II.
