Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Politics That Won't Give You Heartburn

When it comes to this year's elections and all the campaigning that has led up to them, I have had a pit in my stomach for months. It's not because I am for or against either the candidates, although I do have my own opinions about that. It's because I see the wedge driven further and further between all people- blacks, whites, gays, straights, races, religions, all in the name of politics. You name it, it's all become a political agenda, and has widened the gap between us. It's like politics is the new Crusades, and we're all persecuting everyone else who doesn't believe the same as us. Even those who didn't vote, it seems, are guilty of a little "holier-than-thou" attitude. I admit, I haven't been immune to all of this, and have even "lost respect" for people that think differently than I do. I only have one thing to say about all of that.

Shame on me, and on all of us, for letting politics do that to us.

Why are we putting the race between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama above giving and sharing the love we share for our family and friends? Like when someone votes for Obama instead of Romney, or vice versa, they are all of a sudden less of a person for it? And now some of us are mourning the fate of the country while others are celebrating their candidate's defeat? Why are we putting our faith in one man? Why aren't we lifting others up and seeing past all the human weaknesses?

I want all of my family and friends to know that I am so sorry for letting politics stand in the way of our relationship. I hope that everyone was well-informed on the candidates and the issues before standing in the voting booths today; and if you were, and you voted how your heart and your conscience told you to, thank you. Really, I mean that. Thanks for making the effort to do what you thought was the best for all of us.

However, I don't care who you voted for. In the long run, it doesn't matter. YOU matter. You matter to me! So, after thinking long and hard about the elections, this is what I vote for in my own life:

1. I decide to care more about your life and your feelings than I do about who you want for president, what your take is on the economic situation, global warming, and, dare I even say it, gun laws.
2. I choose to be more giving with my smiles, compliments, and service.
3. I will be more patient with the people I come in contact with.

We don't need Mitt or Barack in our lives to help us fix this country. All we need is a little more kindness and understanding. I don't mean that to be all rainbows, puppies, and ice cream, although I know that's how it comes out. I really believe it. So, I promise I'll do my part.

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